In the view of Diablo Cody Jennifer's Body is not as hot as you hope it would be.His words states —its particularly teenspeak — was a revelation in Juno, Jennifer's Body tries hard to be cool, gross and nasty but feels forced and misses the mark.

Some of the pieces in this horror/comedy hybrid are marginally inspired: such as an alt-indie band (fronted by Adam Brody) who turn to ritualistic murders since the field is so tough to make a name in and the hapless efforts of such school officials as Mr. Wroblewski (J.K. Simmons) to cope with a grisly killing spree that is decimating the student body.
But, much of the humor and the scares fall short. Jennifer's Body generally follows the conventions of a teen horror tale, interspersed with some lackluster, wannabe edgy humor.
It aspires to be sexy, by casting Megan Fox as Jennifer, a flesh-eating femme fatale. When her best friend, a slightly geeky girl named Needy (Amanda Seyfried) tells her sweetly earnest boyfriend (Johnny Simmons) that Jennifer is evil, he registers no surprise. She goes on to explain that she's not "high school evil" — conceited, manipulative and haughty — but "evil evil."
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