Celebrities everywhere are very busy with their workouts to keep their bodies hot through the winter.

Jessica Biel uses a slideboard at the advice of her trainer Valerie Waters

The top fitness trends for winter 2009 are celeb-proof and completely hype-worthy.
1. Slideboards. What's flat fun and slippery all over? A slideboard, of course! Celeb trainer to the stars, Valerie Waters is famous for her results - Also known as the butts of clients Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel. Her famous workout weapon is The ValSlide - The Valerie Waters version of a slideboard.
"My clients don't want big quads, so I don't do a lot of heavy weights of leg presses," Waters said. That's where a slideboard comes in. Ranging anywhere from 6-8 feet, the boards are made of a slippery material with two bumper-stops on each end. Get the workout by sliding into a reverse lunge,, sliding back and forth and enjoy the resuls - Keeping the glutes continually tense creates a better "butt" shape and faster than traditional methods. Need to get the board? You can build one for less than $50 or buy one for a couple hundred.
2. Body weight circuit training. The next time you check yourself out in the mirror, realize you have all your answers. This new fitness trend for 2009 is taking itself indoors for the winter months, but the last thing your body will be doing is hibernating. Fitness trainer to stars like Julia Roberts and Drew Barrymore, Kathy Kaehler is an advocate of circuit training. Kaehler uses a series of exercises and movements to target various body parts. Circuits move the exercises one after the other and utilizes body weight as the only form of resistance. Stability balls or mats may also be used.
"These moves will burn fat and show off the lean muscle you've developed," says Kaehler. For an example of one of her circuit workouts, click here.
3. High-intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T). To keep up with the pressure of being famous and being watched at all times, celebs are set to tune into High-Intensity Interval Training for winter workouts. To be utilized indoors, H.I.I.T workouts can be done on any piece of cardio equipment, on an indoor track or incorporated into an already-performed weight or body-weight circuit. Why H.I.I.T? Better results in less time. H.I.I.T training has been proven to increase fat and weight loss while also increasing aerobic capacity better than traditional methods.
High School Musical star Monique Coleman (show above left) trained for the Nautica Malibu Triathlon utilizing strength and endurance training along with H.I.I.T training to prepare her for a tri-sport race.
Another star famous for her H.I.I.T workouts is television beauty Giuilana Rancic, host of celebrity gossip on E! News. Checking Giuliana's tweets, the celeb host reports H.I.I.T as her own way to look great on-screen. What are some of Giuliana's favorite circuits? According to Twitter...
“Good morning! Just did 35 minutes of cardio. Alternate 2 minutes fast walk, 2 minutes run and weights. In morning meeting. Have a great day!”
“Just walked/sprinted 55 minutes. 5.3 miles. Feeling good before a super busy day. Xo.” For more information on H.I.I.T workouts, http://www.criticalbench.com/high-intensity-interval-training.htm
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